Thursday, March 15, 2018



It has been more than 2 weeks  already  and should I gave up hope?
My Bibi whom I have rescued when she was still a baby and being a mother to her since have gone wondering just after the CNY.....

Her beautiful thoughtful face
The smartest thing about her?  Without our training her, she does her business inside the toilet! She used to pulled the toilet paper to cover her poo and you can imagine how fast the roll finishes. So in the end, we have to remove the toilet paper roll from the holder!  

One of her favourite place ....
otherwise she will be resting right in front of the TV at night while we were watching TV and we do get annoyed with her blocking the show just when it is most exciting!  Once she was watching the badminton games and her head was moving from side to was so lovable watching her. 

getting annoyed at the intrusion of Brownie into the house.     
By the way, Brownie (a stray male cat) has been  missing in action some months back too. 

got her hiding in the store room  without our notice once
Unless she was sleeping with me inside the room,  she would became an alarm clock in the morning outside the room, meowing till someone wake up. 

Toto has lost his best friend....both of them love playing and chasing each other upstairs and downstairs. Secretly, I think Toto thinks she is a dog and always try to hump her unsucessfully..LOL.

Pray that all's well with her and keep happy memories..... time to let go.


  1. Please don't be sad. I am sure your Bibi went for a vacation in the neighbourhood for a while.
    In the place I live, there is a community facebook where I see postings of lost & found dogs and cats almost everyday as there are 10,000 people in that facebook. i was surprised to read some comments that their cats came back after 1 to 3 months, looking happy and contented like having gone to California for vacation. Then I also learnt some neighbours shared about one or two cats that actually lived in 3-4 houses along same street with so many masters and different feeding. Ended up they all claimed to be its owner. Seems like cats have no loyalty compared to dogs which I think you know better on this matter. I trust your Bibi is still alive and will come back unexpectedly. Cats have 9 lives! Ha Ha...

    I have been delaying to post about my sister's 2 cats which one had fallen off from her 9th floor condominium and died instantly. She was devastated and depressed for so long. Adoi!

  2. Oh No, that's heart breaking for your sister.
    Thanks for the consolation, but gradually learning to let go.
